After our visit to the leather accessories store, we walked through a Muslim quarter with a number of embroidered garments on display in shop windows and past through the fragrant local market to a local fabric store. I didn’t purchase here but still loved the wander. From here, we travelled via Metro to a fabulous button store. So many beautiful buttons. The owner here, Marieanne, had original opened a fabric and button store after many years of working in the couture houses of Paris, doing the hand finishing and detailing on garments. She started the business 13 years ago after working in the industry as a seamtress. Her father was a tailor. He used to have fabrics – designer off cuts. Now Marieanne just focusses on buttons. Walls of Buttons all colour coded. Extremely strict policy here, not to remove the tube of buttons that you are interested in purchasing, simply pull them out part way. Exquisite buttons and so much fun. I purchased some wedge wood cameo type buttons in three sizes, glass Mona Lisa, to name a few.
Marieanne still loves to do the hand finishing work she was trained to do in the couture days. She was working on a piece of embroidery on a large rectangle style of rolling hoop the day we visited. The embroidery work she was doing she called it luneville embroidery. It was an exquisite piece.